Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On Having Potential

I noticed that most of my posts have been kind of on the serious side. I promise there will be a very light-hearted post in the very near future, but for now, enjoy! 
One of my very best friends said something very profound whilst a group of us were sitting around a table drinking tea and coffee on one of the last days of the spring semester. 
"You know, we all have the potential to do great things in our field of study." 
And as I looked around the table at some of the most important people in my life, I realized just how right she was.
 There's the future psychologist who is passionate about  global justice and counseling, who refuses to let anything keep her from becoming president of a nationally accredited psychology club, presenting original research at a research convention, and just generally kicking butt. 
 The theatre major, who was so passionate about a monodrama that she had read in a scriptwriting class, that she stopped at nothing to realize her dream of performing that monologue for students at our school, despite the ridiculous hoops she and her director had to jump through. 
The cellist who took a semester off because she knew she needed to find a music conservatory that could meet her needs and help her grow and  who has since been accepted into some of the top programs in the country. 
 The nurse. A quiet, sweet, wonderful man who loves to care for people, is a fantastic listener, and who loves the cellist with every ounce of his being (seriously people, they're adorably sickening). 
And then there's me.
I am a senior in college.
I have no clue what I am supposed to do after they hand me my diploma next spring.
And I am totally ok with that.
Because I have potential.